Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hurt people hurt people....

I can't  believe it's been over four months since I last sat down to blog with women to share what God placed into my heart.  If you have  been following from the beginning you know my promise was to never write anything with my own personal agenda. But as I began to experience a " writers' block " as you would, I tried to write about what I thought I was supposed to share.  Each and every time something came up or someone said a discouraging word and I found myself just sitting staring at a blank iPad. Hurt people, hurt people.
Four months... Things have happened in my life, in our country's life and even in your life that have been exciting. Things you wish to share with the whole world.   Me too.  Proud moments.  Eureka revelation moments.  Moments that when the words filled my head and began to come alive by blog; they were stopped dead in their tracks by  harsh, critical words that escaped from the heart of a hurt person.  Someone I admired and looked up to. Someone whose opinion I respected.  Hurt people,  hurt people.....

My personal experience came with such a subtle expression that I don't even think that that person even realizes that impact that her actions played.  Not until her story was made known through discernment did I have any idea she was walking around broken in pieces hidden in her facade of wholeness.  Nonetheless I just want

to convey that we have to be our own cheerleaders in life and others are on OUR team.  I know that takes maturity but it's doable.  Yolanda Adams sings a song that tells us to Encourage ourselves...
I suggest you add it to your playlist for times when doubts and hurt words rush in.

Encourage Yourself
 I started all that to say... From the desk of a real wife is back and more global than ever.  My husband says " sometimes you have to go through to get to".  I guess in life you have to know that you know so that you really know.
To women that are going through know that God loves you and your setback is the setup for your comeback.( I stole that from hubby too)!! Be blessed.  Love yourself so that you can love others.
" sometimes you have to go through to get to".  

Just a little thought
 from the desk of a real wife...


  1. Reading this was enlightening! I just wanted to add this to your thought process on the subject: It Ian very wise to your understand that as HUMANS we will at some point be the victim and perpetrator of hurting someone!! be it intentional or non intentional it is a fact of life. As the recipient of hurt whether through words or deed hopefully we emerge strong enough to operate in Gods grace in any given situation!!
    Mocha Barbie
