As I sit here writing with tears in my eyes, the phone rings. Should I let it ring? Looking at the caller ID I know who it is. I mean right now I am having my own personal meltdown. I am at the point where something I want so badly and can have it too, if only I simply compromise. And I want it bad y'all. I mean I noone will really know. And if I do it, who will it hurt? Then I hear that gentle voice, "
the God you serve will." As my phone continues to ring I know the other person is in need of an encouraging word. But how can I? I am sitting here with my own broken heart. My own myriad of emotions. Have you ever been there? When you question where am I going to get the strength to encourage someone else without sounding fake. How can I put my own drama on the back burner and put on my happy face? How often do we as women just go through? How often do we endure the losses and disappointments in life and keep it pushing? How often do we smile to keep from crying? How often???

Buzz... she's leaving a message. As I think about the faith struggles we endure and I am comforted in knowing that what ever I need I can find in scripture. God loves us so much He left His uncompromising word for us. Despite being written over hundreds of years ago, the Bible speaks to us accurately in 2012. He tells us in Matthew 11:28 come to me all ye that labor and are heavy burden and I will give you rest. Rest and believe.... I get exhausted sometimes ALWAYS trying to be ok. Some times I need a mental health vacation but have no time to take it. That's when I find the strength in Christ. Truly we can do all things through Christ who strenghtens us.

Don't get me wrong, there will be days that only when we cry out can we gain enough strength to get through. But know this, you are not alone. Don't let the devil lie to you and let you believe that you are.
Trust and believe...
Be strengthened. Be encouraged. Thanks for reading a little note from the desk of a real wife...
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