It was the First Sunday of the new year and the conversation arose about
Faithfulness. As I listened to others and thought about its meaning I knew that the Lord was really beginning to tell me something. Later in my quiet time, I began to search the scriptures for clarity. I searched through many verses and was led to the Psalms. I stayed there for a while because David writes so much about faithfulness. However, Psalms chapter 89 stood out. "I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known throughout all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself. Interesting... Faithfulness. Firm. Forever. Just a few of the mighty "F" words.
Even though the Psalms were probably written centuries before the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, its relevance holds so much truth today. Especially when I think of God's continued faithfulness to us despite our disobedience to His instruction. His continued faithfulness even when we feel so all alone in situations created by our own lack of knowledge. Our own intentional disregard to the warning signs. Faithfulness when we fall short. Faithfulness even in times we don't recognize that are necessary for our life's destiny. You know some situations are divinely created to foster the fulfillment of purpose.
Fulfillment. "A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul...".Proverbs 13:19. As we endure this journey called life, we are often captivated by what WE think is our purpose. We begin to gain an epiphany and say, this one thing fulfills us. It may be marriage, career, or motherhood. It may be our educational endeavors. It may be some secret dream that you share only with God and walk this life never satisfied because it has not been accomplished yet. Whatever the case, God's great love stands firm forever.

As we begin to move forward in the year 2012, we cannot dismiss the importance of another "F" word.
Forgiveness!! Forgiveness takes a great amount of self introspection. Its often easier when someone has wronged us publicly, to say I forgive you publicly; than it is when the wrong is done in secret. More difficult still is self-forgiveness. Forgiveness for our poor choices that contributed to past failures. Forgiveness for our own vulnerabilities. Just simply forgiving ourself of a past mistake no matter what the underlying circumstances were, can be a challenge. You know what I am referring to the "If I would'a, should'a, coulda's "that occur in life. If I woulda been born.... If only I coulda been... I shoulda fought back when... If my parents woulda been there for me, I.... You fill in your issue. Only you know what it is. Forgive yourself. No longer continue to be bound by those things. God is faithful. His love stands firm FOREVER! It stands firm from generation to generation. Just seek Him and His great love will allow the forgiveness in you to begin. Then you can forgive others. Self forgiveness is imperative. It is so desperately needed to unleash your ability focus on the other "F" word. Your FABULOUS FUTURE!!!

Until the next time, just a little note from the desk of a real wife........
Beautifully written ...
ReplyDeleteThe end of the blog is what got my heart to moving ,I wanted to forgive myself for making bad choices with people and situations that were bad for my life, I had said with my mouth that I have forgiven ,in my heart I still harbored so much hate ,and even now I feel like I have forgiven but still have a kind of dislike for the person that hurt me but Im thinking thats normal right ,I can forgive him but I don't have to be his friend. but most of all forgiving myself took a long time but i did it and I'm here ...I love this Blog Forgiveness was so important because it meant I was FREE
ReplyDeleteI thought you were referring to the f word and i was going to confess
ReplyDeleteI thought you were referring to the f word and i was going to confess
ReplyDeleteEvery comment is important..
ReplyDeletelike Natural Perception I have said 'I forgive' by mouth but not in my heart. It is so hard. Even though the person I have not seen in over ten years! (well he recently reach out to me on FB through someone else's page to call, but why?) he is supposedly happily married! Forgiveness will be my main 'resolution' for 2012, Forgive and move on, right?
ReplyDeleteTo New Year me!!!, ABSOLUTELY!! Forgiveness is huge. Unforgiveness is like carrying the weight of a ton of bricks while swimming in the abyss of a beautiful clear ocean on a breath takingly sunny day. That's why the bible tells us to forgive your brother in Matthew 18;21. And he may need to reach out to you because he is seeking forgiveness. Don't make any move without praying and seeking GODLY counsel. Because remember you are looking forward to your Fabulous future!!!!! Be blessed!
ReplyDeleteTo New year New Me , I understand it can be hard to forgive but it's easier to hate ... I've been there and I'm not perfect but what I've learned is you can forgive someone and have nothing to do with them !!! Right From the desk of a real wife? What do you think ? Can you forgive and not like ?
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ReplyDeleteI have never been one to hold a grudge or be vindictive. I guess my mothers forgiving ways have rubbed off on me. However, in marriage, it can be a completley different story. As Joan Hunter puts it, "unforgiveness is like drinking poison, and hoping the other person dies from it." It really only hurts the one harboring the unforgivness. When we can truly forgive someone, and give our hurts, pain and wounds to the Father, we free ourselves. You know you have truly forgiven someone, when you can say their name, or be in the same room with them, and not have that tied up knott feeling in your stomach. Its definitly not easy. You can pray something like this, "Father God, blank has hurt me deeply. And what they have done to me is sin. It wasn't right, and I am in pain as a result. Father God, I ask you to forgive them of their sin toward me. I ask that you take that sin away from them, and put it on calvarys cross. And on the day of Judgment, you will not hold that sin against them. I also ask that you heal me, Lord and take the pain away. In Jesus Name, Amen." Be blessed and excell in 2012!
ReplyDeleteWow! So thinking about what we talked about this morning and reading this. Like you said faithfulness even in times we don't recognize that are necessary for our destiny, Amen sister! That is sooo true. Because we don't have God's eyes, so we cannot see what He has already seen, and had in forethought for our lives, but that is the key, faithfulness to our lord Jesus Christ. And we shall have the promises(Ps31:23-24), and also trust in Him always( Prov 3:5)Love you:) and praying for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Catalina. Thanks for your gentle ear. Your strong shoulder and simply just being there as a woman of God. By having The Word in your belly, God could easily use you to speak a fresh anointed Word to me. As I am desperately seeking His guidance, Psalms 31 is just what I need for this time. I will meditate on in. I love you my sister.
ReplyDeleteTo Miss Natural Perception,
ReplyDeleteI am going to have to continue to search the scriptures for that one. The bible has so many instructions regarding love but not many about "like." I don't want to mislead you with my personal opinion. In 2Corinthians, Paul talks about forgiveness and the offender. He was talking to those in Corinth and as the church had forgiven someone but continued to punish them. He says in verse 5 not to be too severe. further he states you ought rather to forgive and comfort him. That doesn't mean hold him and be intimate. I believe forgive and say sincerely "its cool". The bigger picture is to truly forgive so that Satan cannot take advantage of the situation. Read it for yourself and let me know what you think. 2Corinthians chapter 2. Be blessed....
Yes the F word is big and I am grateful for Faith...As Hebrews 12:2 states "Looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God".
ReplyDeleteAs we run this race let fix our attention on Jesus as we run this race called the Christian life. In the scriptures His goal was the joy that was set before Him, our salvation. He not only is our example, He is our focus.
Blessings and love to you and the family always!
@ From the Desk of A real Wife ,I will be waiting on those scriptures...