Last month was such a busy month with Mother's Day, the Memorial day holiday and prom season. It provided yet another opportunity to view relationships. And I began to chuckle as I was able to bear witness to an estranged couple that were involved in a relationship that ended over 40years ago. Surprisingly, the animosity still exists. When I questioned him, he has no clue what he did. But she seethes and you can tell the pain and hurt are still present and are just as fresh as they were when whatever happened occurred. Unfortunately, because children are involved there are choices to be made. Stand next to Dad or sit next to Mom. Incredibly the families have grown so accustomed to the behavior only outsiders feel uncomfortable. It got me to thinking, some relationships are forever and some are for growing. Whatever it is, be a better woman because of it not a bitter one. Everything done on this Earth has purpose. Life's journey includes finding out what that is. I am 100% in favor of marriage forever don't get me wrong but sometimes we have to be mindful of the relationship choices that we made. For example, years ago I had a very close male friend. I called him my male best friend and we got along great. So great in fact we thought since we were "best friends" we should get married. Why not? Disaster!!! It took time to get back to the friendship we shared but we both become better persons from what we learned in that relationship. He now has a wonderful wife whom he loves and I am happily married to my husband. But there are people holding on to their hurt and bitterness like a cancer and have lived with it so long, they probably don't know how to experience life otherwise. It can be all consuming and prevent new possibilities for love and happiness. Let it GO!!! Let God's love comfort you and saturated those broken areas. Can you imagine carrying a stinky, dirty, rotten piece of meat around with you everywhere you go?