Wow. What a summer!! I took some time to watch and learn what other wives were going through. I believe that when using a venue as this informational highway to convey a message, it is important to have a wider perspective. Also, it was good to meet and greet others to gain fresh and true reality of lives that may be different than my own. Once taking this on it seemed as though the dam broke in my life and my own marriage. I asked God "What did I do? What did I do wrong? Why the struggles, the drama?" Especially in the area of my "solid" marriage, what is going on, my Lord?" What I learned is that God will reveal to you things as He chooses but you have to be quiet or you will miss your lesson. And that lesson can be attached to your blessing.

To update you, I have been spending time with my friends that are in different stages of marriage. Some happy. Some are not. There are a few contemplating divorce. One contemplating infidelity. One, despite her intense anger with her spouse is determined to continue to work at it with so much tenacity that is commendable. As we sat and fellowshipped, one thing we collectively learned is that in everything there is a lesson to be learned. One friend learned to speak freely and realized that admitting she needed help was not a sign of weakness. It was one of the first steps to gaining strength to improve her marriage. Another learned that your stated level of commitment is going to be tested. And that once you think you've got it, you learn who is truly in control. Not you nor your mate. God is...
Personally, I have learned that sometimes it is necessary to just to be quiet. As a married woman I have really been tested in the area of just being quiet. A simple hush. Zip it. Silencio. Shhh. Listening and not quickly responding. I must emphasize that remaining quiet does not signify weakness. Quite the contrary, having the ability to be silent is such an aquired strength. Sign of maturity. Silence allows you to hear. wait and trust God. In James, I love that book in the bible written by Jesus' brother James, James 1:19 Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for a man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Hmmmm. A simple nugget to chew on.

My single readers may feel "this doesn't apply to me." Yes it does!!! I am putting you up on the rules of the game. Place it in your purse for your future. ( You listen closely to the homeless woman who lost her house, as well as the one that just signed escrow papers). I am going to reveal so many more of our conversations Look forward to reading and learning, As I shared this weekend with a few ladies, I am going to please God by putting into practice the tools for living that He gave me. Yes, there is the Proverbs 31 Woman but she will send me into major depression because I truly fall so short. (Now if you have accomplished that, PRAISE God!!!) When and if I get there with you, we can shout together. But I know now when I get to heaven, I am going to ask her how she did it!!!
Blessings to you all!! Love you...
Let me know how you are doing.
And how you feel about this little note from the desk of real wife....